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Statistics for Business and Society
Bachelor degree designed to train statisticians for public organizations and private companies, with a solid preparation in statistical theory and applications, in mathematical and actuarial disciplines, in computer science, and who are versatile in application of their knowledge. The graduate will be able to intervene in all decision-making processes when it comes to planning, programming and choosing on the basis of real information.
Statistical science for decision making
Journal of
Methodological and Applied Statistics
Quaderni di Statistica

Established in 1978 and published once a year, Quaderni di Statistica – Journal of Methodological and Applied Statistics is a peer-reviewed journal which focuses on statistical theory and applications. The journal publishes original articles on statistical methodology and models, and innovative applications of known statistical methods in different branches of science .
The journal appeared from 1978 to 2014. This web page offers the full archive of downloadable pdf files of the published papers from 1999 to 2014.
Regional Observatory on Young People