Archive 2

Volume 15, 2013

Volume 15, 2013

Contents of volume 15, 2013 (DOWNLOAD) F. BARTOLUCCI, S. BACCI, C. PIGINI Comparison between conditional and marginal maximum likelihood estimation for a class of ordinal item response models R. COLOMBI, S. GIORDANO Nested-continuation logit models for ordinal...

Volume 14, 2012

Volume 14, 2012

Contents of volume 14, 2012 (DOWNLOAD) L. ANDERLUCCI, C. HENNIG Clustering of categorical data: a comparison of different approaches F. ANDREIS, P. A. FERRARI Multidimensional extensions of IRT models and their application to customer satisfaction evaluation R....

Volume 13, 2011

Volume 13, 2011

Contents of volume 13, 2011 DI CICCIO T., MONTI A.C. Inferential aspects of the skew t-distribution, 1-21 GIORDANO F., LA ROCCA M., PERNA C. Value-at-Risk inference with NN-Sieve bootstrap, 23-34 GAMBACORTA R:, IANNARIO M., VALLIANT R. Deriving variance estimators in...

Volume 12, 2010

Volume 12, 2010

Contents of volume 12, 2010 G. ALBANO, F. GIORDANO, C. PERNA: Estimating smooth functions of sample mean in diffusion processes: a MBB approach R. ARBORETTI GIANCRISTOFARO, M. BOLZAN, F. CAMPIGOTTO, L. CORAIN, L. SALMASO: Combination-based permutation testing in...

Volume 11, 2009

Volume 11, 2009

Contents of volume 11, 2009 S. TERZI Perfect aggregation in linear models: a geometrical insight (pp.1-14) A. PUNZO On kernel smoothing in polytomous IRT: a new minimum distance estimator (pp.15-37) M. IANNARIO Fitting measures for ordinal data models (pp.39-72) F. DI...

Volume 10,  2008

Volume 10,  2008

Contents of volume 10,  2008 FOREWORD (pp.1-3) M.R. D'ESPOSITO, G. RAGOZINI A new R-ordering procedure to rank multivariate performances (pp.5-21) R. ARBORETTI GIANCRISTOFARO, L. CORAIN A  permutation solution for two-sample location-scale test (pp.23-34) A....

Volume 9, 2007

Volume 9, 2007

Contents of volume 9, 2007 R. ARBORETTI GIANCRISTOFARO, S. BONNINI, L. SALMASO A performance indicator for multivariate data (1-29) D. PICCOLO A general approach for modelling individual choices (31 - 48) S. M. PAGNOTTA The behavior of the sphericity test when data...

Volume 8, 2006

Volume 8, 2006

Contents of volume 8, 2006 M. BARNABANI Maximum likelihood estimator and singularity of the information matrix (pp.1-16) R. ARBORETTI, L. CORAIN, L. SALMASO Studio comparativo sui test di permutazione condizionati alle osservazioni per l’ANOVA a due vie (pp.17-31)...

Volume 7, 2005

Volume 7, 2005

Contents of volume 7, 2005 L. PIERACCINI Is aggregation ever necessary? (1 - 15) S. BOLASCO Statistica testuale e text mining: alcuni paradigmi applicativi (17 - 53) S. BALBI, M. MISURACA Pesi e metriche nell’analisi di dati testuali (55 - 68) S. POLETTINI, J. STANDER...

Volume 6, 2004

Volume 6, 2004

Contents of volume 6, 2004 E.OTRANTO Classifying the markets volatility with ARMA distance measures (pp.1 - 19) U. TRIACCA A note on distance and parallelism between two ARIMA processes (pp.21 - 29) R. N. PENNY, M. REALE Using graphical modelling in official...