Summer school in Social Statistics II Edition
October 3-5, 2022 – Anacapri (Capri Island)Information
Following the successful experience in Brixen 2021, the second edition of the Summer School in Social Statistics will be organized in Anacapri (Villa Orlandi) on 3-5 October 2022 by the University of Naples Federico II (Department of Political Sciences), the University of Salerno (Dept. of Political and Social Studies), the University of Trieste (Department of Political Sciences), the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (Department of Economics). The Summer School is a 3-day school, where young scholars will deal with two main topics: Statistical analyses for health-related data; Social media analytics and network analysis tools.
The School is addressed to students taking a master’s degree in Statistics or Social sciences, Ph.D. students, post-docs, researchers at universities or public and private research institutions in the early stages of their career, or willing to deepen their preparation in the topics of the school. The school is organized in lectures and practical applications.
In particular, the first module “Statistical analyses for health-related data” concerns statistical techniques for health-related data. Even before the pandemic that has changed the world, scholars have been aware of the importance of developing statistical techniques in this peculiar field. The aims of this short course are twofold: first, to deepen the most used statistical models and some recent developments in statistical analyses within the health framework; second, to show the applications conducted with PASSI data (Progressi delle Aziende Sanitarie per la Salute in Italia), starting with an introduction to these data, and then describing the way they were conceived and collected. The participants will work with these data and they will finally propose and present different approaches to extract statistical information from them.
The second module, “Social media analytics and network analysis tools” presents statistical methods and network tools for mapping, measuring and understanding the landscape of social media data in the modern world. The focus will be on the Statistical approaches to social media analytics, discussing also the contribution of other disciplines ranging from social science to computer science in analyzing complex data structures derived from social media. Among others, the main topics will regard Text Mining, Social Network Analysis, and Community detection in social media.
The school attendance is FREE. Lunches and coffee breaks are offered to all participants (the school does not reimburse travel expenses, lodging, and dinners). The selected participants have to bring their own laptops.
Registration period is over.
Registrations will be closed on 30 August 2022.
In case of impediments due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the school will be postponed.
Up to 30 participants will be admitted on the base of their CV.
Scientific and Organizing Committee
- Massimo ATTANASIO, University of Palermo
- Stefano CAMPOSTRINI, University of Venezia Ca’ Foscari
- Domenico DE STEFANO, University of Trieste
- Giulio GHELLINI, University of Siena
- Giuseppe GIORDANO, University of Salerno
- Mariano PORCU, University of Cagliari
- Giancarlo RAGOZINI, University of Napoli Federico II
- Maria Prosperina VITALE, University of Salerno
- Susanna ZACCARIN, University of Trieste
Organizing Secretariat
- Lucio PALAZZO, University of Napoli Federico II
- Ilaria PRIMERANO, University of Salerno
- Roberto RONDINELLI, University of Napoli Federico II
- Francesco SANTELLI, University of Trieste
To be announced
The Social Statistics school will be held in Villa Orlandi, Anacapri, at the Conference Center of the University of Naples Federico II located on the Island of Capri.
The Center is located in an eighteenth-century place not far from the Center of the small village of Anacapri. Restored with the utmost respect for architectural quality, the Villa is particularly suitable for study and research stays, meetings, short seminars, and post-graduate courses.
To reach Capri Island, you need to go by ferry or fast boat from Naples.
A timetable of the available solutions is at the following link:
There are two ports from which ferries and fast boats leave for Capri: Molo Beverello (Municipio metro station) and Calata Porta di Massa (Università metro station). Snav and NLG hydrofoils depart from Molo Beverello, while Caremar ferries depart from Porta di Massa.
To reach Anacapri from the port of Capri, you need to take a bus (the distance is about 4 kilometers). The bus station is located a few steps far from the Piazzetta of Capri. Nearby there is the main ticket office where you can buy the ticket for a single journey or day solutions. Next to the bus station for Anacapri, there are also taxis available.
A timetable of the available solutions is at the following link:
Anacapri offers a large choice of hotels and B&B.
Some accommodations very close to Villa Orlandi (Via Finestrale, 2) can be found in the following list. To take advantage of the discount reserved for school participants indicate in the subject line of the email “Summer School 2022 participant”
• Capri Dreaming B&B – via Filietto, 21 int 1 – cell. +38 3355873636 – Tel +39 081 8373629 –
• Bellamania B&B – Via San Nicola, 1 – +393476328434 –
• Villa Pollio Guest House – Via Giuseppe Orlandi, 247 – +39 333 77 27 254 –
• Villa I Magi – Via catena, 29 – +39 3333225852 –
• Capri Love – Via Trav. Monticelli, 20 – 3423863170 –
• Numero20 – Via T. C. Ferraro, 20/22 – +39 3477317154 –
• Elisir B&B – Via Caprile, 28 – + 39 081 8372629 – +39 389 5145865 –
• ilTrucioloBBSuite – Via 1 traversa Carlo Ferraro – +393343064322 –
• Caprita Guest House – Via G. Orlandi, 158 – +39 3496694714 –
Historical Information
Casa Orlandi, an architectural episode in which themes and models of the traditional Capri house converge, constitutes the link between two districts of Anacapri: Timpone and Le Boffe. Its original layout dates back to the early decades of the eighteenth century, when the new church of San Michele was built in the nearby convent complex of Carmenlitane, completely renovated, based on a project (1719-20) by D. Antonio Vaccaro.
Before this intervention, we must imagine, on the site of the current house, cisterns and peasant structures belonging to the Teresians. Around the mid-nineteenth century, and precisely in 1848, the Orlandi family bought the “country casino”, which became Casa Orlandi. The first known owner was the politician Giuseppe Orlandi, promoter of the rolling stock between Capri and Anacapri; the second, well known, was Edwin Cerio, who was responsible for the restructuring of the work carried out in the 1930s. To the eighteenth-century “casino” we can trace the largest cistern of the cellar, the room with a mirror vault on the ground floor that overlaps it, and – perhaps – the one, with the same type of vault, corresponding to the first room after the entrance, which on the first floor. The south-facing rooms with the bedroom, the kitchen, and the entrance hall date back to an expansion phase.
The current Casa Orlandi consists of two floors with two distinct gardens, one on the ground floor (the largest and oldest) and one on the first floor. It is accessed from the upper floor through the main entrance, consisting of an avenue with a pergola of rustic Doric columns on bases connected to the wall and connected, at the top, by a pergola in chestnut poles.
The ground floor is reached from another entrance, also located on Via Finestrale, but at a lower level, passing through the garden-vegetable garden. The lower entrance was to be the entrance to the “country casino” with cisterns, vegetable garden, and garden, or rather the first nucleus of what will become Casa Orlandi. The name of the rooms, indicated here to illustrate the architectural type, is to be understood as referring to the first work of the current use as a Congress Center of the “Federico II” Università, which has not altered the configuration of the spaces in any way. The upper entrance attracts attention from the gate for the presence of the colonnaded pergola, with square spans, which monumentalizes the house and constitutes a precious testimony of the traditional architectural culture of the island. The alignment of the first room with the avenue of the pergola allows you to see the view from the small entrance hall; from here you pass to the living room and then to the terrace with columns, which runs along the entire facade of the first floor and overlooks the sea. The ground floor is characterized by a sequence of rooms from the sleeping area, respectively to the left and right of the main entrance. Here, with the reduced thickness of the portico, Cerio had to measure himself to create the very small bedroom, articulated on two levels, equipped with a hallway, a small bathroom, and meticulously designed furniture.
Upstairs there are the two main rooms, covered with mirrored vaults, and the “study” of Cerio which, together with the terrace with the pergolas, constitute the advanced body of the building. On the back, on the left are the bedroom, also with a mirrored vault, a small room with a barrel vault, and the bathroom, on the right a small room, the kitchen, and the stairs that lead to the roof and floor inferior. the first staircase is inserted in a loggia covered by a mirrored vault; the second, which starts directly from the kitchen, is the only indoor connection with the lower floor, directly from the entrance to the first floor. From the kitchen, going out onto the terrace and crossing an arch, you reach the “studio” of great plastic effect, embellished, in the southeast corner, by the sculptural chimneys. It was presumably built between 1930 and 1934, during the renovation of the house and the arrangement of the gardens. The small window is oriented towards the most beautiful glimpse of the Gulf of Naples that could be seen from the desk, actually made up of the same shelf as the sill that leans against the oblique wall.